Sometime in the night… by arch. Lauma

“My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. God will not let your foot slip – he who watches over you will not slumber.” (Ps 121:2-3)

This year we started to scatter birdseed on the ground, though the squirrels usually had their fill before the birds. So, we decided to get a birdfeeder. My husband, Ivars, thought a lot about how to hang it so all the squirrels might not reach the seeds. Both of us had hope, that the squirrels could just eat the seeds that fell as the birds feasted.

It was raining last night, though we could still see the birdfeeder, filled to the brim. Today, the sun was barely dawning when I saw the empty birdfeeder! What a gift! To be able to smile about the ingenuity of whatever animal ‘outfoxed’ all of our efforts! Were they squirrels? I doubt it. Perhaps the deer that sometimes greet us early, early in the morning? The answer will remain a mystery. I did not see any footprints in the wet soil, but I did sense that God had been here, perhaps reminding me to trust in the One, who does not slumber, nor sleep. Even in the night He continues to care for His creation and all of us, His children – in so many ways unknown to us.

We continue to hope that the amazing technology and science created and discovered by people will conquer Covid-19, yet many questions will remain unanswered. Are we being redirected to not lose hope, but trust ever more completely in Him, who created heaven and earth? He knows how the birdfeeder emptied in the night. It is natural that we want to have answers for many, very serious questions, during this horrific time. We want to know, how long, what will life be like, will we make it through, how can we help? Especially those, who work also neither slumber nor sleep as they continue to care for others in our place, and hope that each new morning will bring renewed strength and health, comfort for those who are grieving and struggling. As in nature. When winter yields to spring and night storms bring an explosion of color to the world. Seems God rarely answers our specific questions, but continues to affirm: “The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life. The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, (or shelter at home) both now and forever.” (Ps 121:7-8)

Lord Jesus, you so wisely taught: “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. (Mt. 6:26a) Thank you, Heavenly Father, for this assurance, and that we can trust you in your help today, and always. Our efforts will not always be sufficient, our hopes will not always be fulfilled, but you continue to provide for and bless your children, and all of your creation. We pray, Father, bless us each, as in the night. May your merciful will be done – on earth as it is in heaven. Āmen.


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