You’ve had a baby! Congratulations!
You remember the feeling of joy, thanks, and awe the first time your baby was placed into your arms? This delicate, helpless creature entrusted to you, for ever. Of you’ll have support from family and friends, but maybe you sense the need for more: to have your child be blessed.
In church we do this through baptism, popularly known as christening. Baptism is God’s gift of loving kindness: it is the outward sign that your little one belongs to God through Jesus giving of himself for us. Baptism happens during services because we enter into a relationship with God as part of a worshiping community. Your child will become a member of St Andrew’s, God’s beloved people, graced by Christ, and led by the Spirit.
You as parents, and your child, will have the support of the whole congregation.
We will pray for you, and will make ourselves available to support and strengthen you.
If you would like your child to be baptized, please complete the form below and call the pastor to arrange a meeting and to find out more about the meaning of Baptism for your family.
Baptism information
Baptism Information
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