During Services
There are three important ways congregation members can participate actively in helping lead worship: as a church warden, reading and as a greeter. Please let the Pastor know if you would like to participate in any of these ways.
Churchwardens support the pastor in ensuring everything is prepared for worship, in particular for Holy Communion. They also help distribute Communion. Typically, churchwardens are appointed by the Pastor.
Readers need to be able to speak clearly and have time in advance to prepare to read the texts in either English or Latvian. This is an important ministry as readers are proclaiming the Word of God to those present.
Saint Benedict said that the most important member of the monastery was the person who opened the door to visitors. Similarly, greeters are the first point of contact for worshipers and help set a welcoming tone in keeping with the message of the Gospel. They also take care of the collection and distribute the bulletins.