REZOLŪCIJA PILNSAPULCEI 26. februārī / RESOLUTION for the AGM, February 26, 2017


Dear Congregation,

Council continues to diligently work on your behalf to maintain focused stewardship and governance of our Church. We continually appeal to our members to step up and volunteer for Council as well as work on other committees. However, it has become increasingly difficult to find additional Council members to comply with our regulations. Therefore, Council has determined it best to reduce the required minimum number of members to 9 from the current 12 so to increase the efficiency of Council in this matter.

We publish the following Motion as required by our Bylaws:

RESOLUTION English text : Until such time as the latest Not for Profit Corporations’ Act Ontario comes into force, the minimum number of members of the congregational council shall be 9, each elected for a three-year term, with no fewer than one third of the members retiring each year. Retiring members of the congregational council may be re-elected.

REZOLŪCIJA Latviešu teksts : Līdz tam laikam kad nāk spēkā jauni Ontārio valdības likumi, kas noteiks bezpeļnas organzāciju vadības strukturu, padome sastāvētu no ne mazāk par 9 locekļiem, katrs ievēlēts uz triju gadu termiņu, no kuriem trešā daļa būtu jāatvieto katru gadu. Bijušie padomes locekļi var atkārtoti kandidēt padomei.

This will be raised at the AGM for approval as 1st reading. A second reading and approval will be required in 2018. Then this matter will be sent to ELCIC for ratification prior to enactment.

Thank you again for your continued support of our Council and our actions for the continued improvement of our Church and Congregation.

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